Part 14: Chapter 6: Team Skull Part 4

That night, while the guild sleeps...

The next morning...

The day begins as usual.

No one suspects theft, because everyone believes the best in Pokemon who don't have their faces on outlaw posters.

The guild members don't suspect a thing. Only we can see the dark shadow hanging over Team America.

I already know, and the wait is killing me.

We see Loudred and Diglett doing nothing but sentry duty. Maybe getting a really high score on that mini-game will guarantee them a spot.

Meanwhile, Bidoof does investigative work.

Detective Doof: guild member of the month.

Chatot is eager to remind us of this. Apparently, failing this job is too scary to imagine.

But before that, we have four new entries for secret reading!
Something very mysterious happened at our guild the other day! We were in the guild when (oh my gosh!) the place was stunk up by an atrocious stench! Oh my gosh! I'd never experienced such a foul cloud of fumes. It was an eek-worthy moment!
But... everyone denied responsibility for it! But there's no fooling me! Oh my gosh, I know what I smelled, and there was no mistaking it! Eek, how mysteriously it crept upon us! Who is the culprit?! Eek!
That night, Sunflora couldn't sleep, because someone farted. She swears to god, someone farted.

In the morning briefing, Chatot told us something that's worth a good scream. Eek! There's an expedition coming up! Yippee! Oh my gosh! It's been simply ages since our last one! On our last expedition, we brought home simply massive amounts of treasures! We shared everything with everyone in Treasure Town. It was a happy, happy time!
Oooh, the upcoming expedition should be fun! I wonder where we'll explore this time? My roommate Chimecho and I got all excited guessing about the destination! Of course, I'm going to do everything I can to be picked for the expedition! Oooh, I'm feeling motivated! Yippee!
A giant flower and a wind chime are hyped for this field trip.

Something was sure a surprise the other day! I was checking out the Outlaw Notice Board, when it suddenly stank like rotten sulfur!But then everyone turned and looked at me like I had something to do with it, by golly! I swear! I really had nothing to do with that awful stink, by golly!
I know I've been guilty in the past, like that time in my room once... then twice in the Mess Hall, and once in the Guildmaster's quarters, but... By Golly, I surely am not guilty of anything this time, I swear!
It's hard to shake the title of Fumigator.

The guild's going on an expedition soon! It'll be my first expedition... That's sure got my heart racing, by golly. But will they think about choosing me? Compared to everyone else, I'm slow and klutzy... Even Team America's rookies are getting better and better... But I'm surely not giving up, by golly! I'll do the best I can to get picked for the expedition, yup yup!
Maybe Bidoof is secretly soloing outlaw monster houses in an attempt to outdo us.

Who knows what kind of high-level guild work Corphish is doing. Maybe he hustles shop owners for protection fees.

This is the same as Gulpin's shop in PMD Red/Blue, and similar to Scraggy's shop in Gates To Infinity. With the Link Shop, you can link moves to use more than one attack in a single turn (which costs money), or remember any level-up move the Pokemon has learned before (which is free).

For example, you can link Tail Whip and Tackle, so you lower the enemy's defense before you strike. Another combo is Sing and Wake-Up Slap, or Fake Tears and a special attack of some kind. However, using linked moves raises hunger faster, and if either linked move runs out of PP, the moves unlink.

We won't be linking today, though.

I'm more interested in the free move reminder service.

Giving Babar Odor Sleuth is going to come in handy later.

Meanwhile, on Dugtrio's cliff of contemplation...

I think someone on this cliff needs a Rawst Berry.

Note to parents: your kid will never understand, if they think you've lost your mind.

This happens to be a skill in Michael's IQ group. With Acute Sniffer enabled, upon entering a new dungeon floor, a message will pop up numbering the amount of items lying around. It even detects items hidden in the walls.

These limited-time offers involve permanent stat-ups like Calcium and Iron, meaning you can get them just by trading some Oran Berries or something else super-common.

I'm not sure I want to think too hard about what a delighted digestive system feels like.

Maybe it feels like not hitting your friends while confused.

Michael gets that skill Zigzagoon mentioned earlier.

But it's annoying and time-consuming to have that message pop up on every single floor, so I turn it off.

Drinkable vitamins! And while I'm at it...

Let's finally use this.

I considered save-scumming for a +2 or more, but even +1 at this stage is great. We won't be seeing another Ginseng for a while, anyway.

Also, Babar got Cheerleader. Just having this IQ Skill on a Pokemon buffs their teammates, which is great for making Michael even stronger.

Afterwards, I get a pretty good item from recycling. Eyedrop Seeds allow you to see invisible things, which isn't limited to traps.

Not that there are any traps an Eyedrop Seed can help with where Team America is going.
Next time: picking a peck of Perfect Apples.